Thursday, May 19, 2011

Reaction from "Words..."

My last blog “Words…” caused a small reaction.

I received a few email of encouragement. People telling me to keep my head up and that what I am doing here is commendable.

A few of you wrote me to ask for more details. That you really did not understand what I was writing about.

I got a few notes from people telling me they were honestly concerned.

In all that I read, I was very thankful to have people in my life who felt led to share a thought or two with me regarding what I had wrote.

But in all the emails I received, one of the very first ones had a huge impact. It was from a man whom I have admired for many years. He is a very important person for a major hospital in Nashville. He lovingly told me that though he found my blogs to be interesting and funny at times, he never found them to be inspirational until he read this last one. He told me that finally I was someone whom he could relate to. I admire him because he is truly a man after God. While I have not always agreed with a few professional decisions he has made, that never impacted who I believed him to be. With that said, what he shared with me was humbling and very convicting.

While I am not about to make this blog the heaviest read on the internet, I desire to be transparent. There is something amazing when someone is sincerely able to say “me too.” Whether you are the one saying it or hearing it really doesn’t matter. It is a freeing moment when we begin to see we are not alone in our struggles and fears. What I have seen in my short time on this world is that only few people are this way. While I know many of you may cringe at the thought of me sharing the tough things I encounter here in Colombia, I bet there are a few who might find comfort in it as well.

So I encourage you to be transparent. If not with your friends and family close by, maybe with a kid thousands of miles away living in the land of rice and plantains. But please know I am just someone who wants to listen. Someone who is willing to go to the Father in prayer for you! Someone who will simply point you to the only place I have ever found comfort and understanding. I am not sure where I would be without the few people who did this for me so I want to open that door to anyone who is in need.

Also, a decision was made last week that changes my entire life. However, to play the dramatic card and to acknowledge the fact I am not ready to write about it yet, I ask you to stay tuned. However, I am stoked to share this thing that God has done for me.

Hope all is good in your hood!


1 comment:

  1. Eric, thank you for sharing the work that God is doing in and through you and your transparency. Will be keeping you, Josh and Mike and their families, and the children at the orphanage in prayer. It's an amazing ministry and I can understand why you fell in love with both families and the orphanage. I have fallen in love with them as well as I've been blessed with the opportunity to share time with them and witness first-hand the work God is doing there, so I don't blame you for your compassionate heart and obedience. Blessings. Mayda
