9. Every time I have startled a herd of cattle and a gang of donkeys while running. There is nothing like running behind thousands of pounds of beef and burro except seeing the face of people who happen to be coming the other way!
8. When I can no longer count on 2 hands and 2 feet how many
7. The fact that I am once again writing another blog while in my underwear, fan full blast, and ear plugs to help my mind think about something other than Daddy Yankee.
6. After walking to the public school 2 times a day, 5 days a week, for almost 8 months, I still get a few motorcycle taxis asking me if I am going to Playa Blanca. Maybe the latest beach fashion
5. As I am sitting listening patiently and respectfully during a mind numbing meeting in Spanish, a gecko decides the top of my head would be a great landing pad for his suicide jump off his perch 10 feet up.
4. I forgot what my principle looks like.
3. Following yet another debilitating rain shower, seeing 2 eyes staring at you in a puddle, only to remind yourself there are no crocodiles on the coast but there are a million pigs who like to escape this heat!
2. I just bought 7 pounds of Mojarra (Red Snapper’s Brother) for 7 dollars yet while delicious; the amount of oil that was consumed during this meal took another 12 days off my life. ETA to Heaven…
1. No hay school today, no hay school tomorrow.
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